A few years ago I managed to save a bit of money and decided I would invest it. Since I am a freak about the environment I knew I wanted my money to be working for the betterment of the planet.

I did a bit of research and read up on several investment companies that work primarily with green funds.

My confirmation sign came when I was reading the brochure of the company I ended up going with Natural Investments. The word SRI kept up coming up and I had no idea what it meant.

My only reference to the the word was from my yoga studies as Sri is another name of the Goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi is the energy of abundance and wealth both internally and externally.

I looked SRI up on google and saw it also stood for Socially Responsible Investments I thought to myself, how could I go wrong SRI is a win/win for me and the future.

Today on the radio I was listening to a lecture by the co-founder of 350.org and he was talking about how where we invest our money is one of the MOST powerful ways we can IMPACT climate change.

He was advocating that we divest from fossil fuel companies and pressure organizations (like Universities non-profits, etc.) to divest as well and shift their investments to greener companies.

His goal is not the destruction of fossil fuel companies but a wake up call that its time to shift to be Energy Companies that invest heavily in renewables.

IF YOU HAVE EVER FELT HELPLESS, now there is a concrete place to act. Reach out to the college you attended or work out, find out where your company is investing your retirement money.

Together we can use MONEY to pressure fossil fuel companies to wake up and make a SHIFT...

The bad news is that our environment is getting worst every year (2012 hottest year on record)...the good news is that we can do YOGA...engage, use our leverage...and MAKE an IMPACT, for Sri.

Here is how to do it!
