When I was living in Vermont about 6 years ago a wonderful friend (Nina Shoenthal) was sharing her creativity through beautiful art pieces full of inspiration. The minute I saw this one I knew I had to have it.

The swirling nature that reminds me of the galaxy and universe, the little mirrors that help me see myself, the colors of intuition and inner wisdom, and the potent yet simple word I can never hear enough of--believe.

I believe in myself, my path, my creativity, and my freedom. Trust that I can accomplish and walk towards that which I most desire. I believe that I am held in the intelligent matrix that is in me, as me, and all around me, that is grace.

Today, pause to look at yourself in the mirror. Silently or at the top of your vocal cords fill in the blank "I believe in.

Especially on a less than stellar day it can be useful to remember:

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Dr. Wayne Dyer